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10 Life Lessons (The Ultimate Gift)

December 16, 2011

Your assignment is to answer any five of the following questions, based on the content of the movie, “The Ultimate Gift“. Please answer each of the five with at least two complete sentences. Perhaps you could develop some interview questions for your podcast, based on the following:

1. Why do you think the film was called The Ultimate Gift? What was the gift? Can you think of greater gifts? How much of this gift have you received?
2. Who, in your life passed on lessons to you? What were they? Which lesson meant the most to you?
3. Have you ever resisted learning a lesson like Jason did in the film? When did you accept the wisdom of the lesson? Or did you?
4. In the film, Red considers “trouble” or hardship a lesson. What did Jason learn from his troubles? Do you agree that experiencing troubles can bring valuable lessons?
5. A main theme of the film is mending relationships. What did Jason learn about family? Friends? Did you learn anything from the film that could help you with relationships?
6. What did the film have to say about money? Does it answer the question about the proper relationship between wealth and happiness is? How would you answer that question?
7. Identify 8 of the 12 lessons learned in this film, and the message of each? Which one meant the most to you? Were there any you disagreed with? Why?
8. Who have been the most influential teachers in your life? To whom have you been a teacher? Did this film help you appreciate the role of those who share wisdom with you?
9. How did the film emphasize resolving past problems and issues in a person’s life? What two past problems did Jason need to resolve before he could move on with his life?
10. How did the film emphasize the importance of being responsible for yourself – taking the initiative to be your own person, not blaming or point fingers at family members, or one’s background? How do you intend to be a ‘responsible’ person, taking the initiative to be your own person?

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  1. Micky permalink

    1. Because the whole movie Jason got “gifts” from his grandfather. Finding that money isn’t everything, and having someone he cared about. No i think those are important gifts. Lots my family and friends all care about me.
    2. All of my family has passed on lessons to me. Life lessons like you should always work hard, and be the best you can be at whatever you try. Probably that lesson.
    3. No i’ve never not tried to learn a lesson
    4. That not everyone is your friend because they like you, they just want what you have. Yes it shows you that you can over come difficulties.
    5. He learned that family is important and you shouldnt take that for granted. True friends should support you and lend a hand when needed. Yes pick your friends wisely and don’t stay friends with the people that use you.

  2. Anthony permalink

    1. Why do you think the film was called The Ultimate Gift? What was the gift? Can you think of greater gifts? How much of this gift have you received?

    Because Jason finally realized what you need to do to get what you want. The gift ended up being money. And no. And no.

    2. Who, in your life passed on lessons to you? What were they? Which lesson meant the most to you?

    No one has passed lessons to me.

    3. Have you ever resisted learning a lesson like Jason did in the film? When did you accept the wisdom of the lesson? Or did you?

    Yes, yes i have. After the hard work paid off.

    4. In the film, Red considers “trouble” or hardship a lesson. What did Jason learn from his troubles? Do you agree that experiencing troubles can bring valuable lessons?

    That you have to work to get what you want. Yes, yes i do agree.

    5. A main theme of the film is mending relationships. What did Jason learn about family? Friends? Did you learn anything from the film that could help you with relationships?

    They are all more important than anything. And just treat them better.

  3. Jon Kohlscheen permalink

    work money learning problems family laughter dreams giving gratitude day love

    1. Why do you think the film was called The Ultimate Gift? What was the gift? Can you think of greater gifts? How much of this gift have you received?
    it was called ultimate gft because you have to work to get anywhere in life. and in the end he got al the gifts such as work, money, learning, problems, family, laughter, dreams, giving, gratitude, day, love, and since he got all these he got his grandfathers estate.

    2. Who, in your life passed on lessons to you? What were they? Which lesson meant the most to you?
    my brother and sister have gave lessons to me. not to quit 4-h, because you will run out of money before college is over.
    3. Have you ever resisted learning a lesson like Jason did in the film? When did you accept the wisdom of the lesson? Or did you?
    4. In the film, Red considers “trouble” or hardship a lesson. What did Jason learn from his troubles? Do you agree that experiencing troubles can bring valuable lessons?
    he learned that you could loose everything and you cant do anything without money.
    5. A main theme of the film is mending relationships. What did Jason learn about family? Friends? Did you learn anything from the film that could help you with relationships?
    he learned that the best [art of life is family and friends, yes take everything for grant cus it could be gone in a flash

  4. Mallary permalink

    Gift of work- You have to work to get money sometimes, and work hard.
    Gift of money- You can’t rely on money all the time.
    Gift of friends- Friends will help you and stand beside you through everything.
    Gift of problems- When something doesn’t go the way you want it, it makes you realize what’s really important.
    Gift of love- Love is the best gift anyone can give, with it you can do anything.

    1. The Ultimate Gift was love. There are no greater gifts than that. I think I’ve recieved a lot of love.
    4. Jason discovered that hardship made you realize what things were really important about life.
    5. He figured out who his real friends were and he stuck with them. He realized that his blood related family didn’t really support him very much. His new family did.

  5. Wade permalink

    2. My grandpa who passed away in 2005. His lesson was that you have to work for things and that things are not going to be handed to you. I have learned that and have got my own job to get the things I would like to have.
    3. No I always try to listen to the lesson that is given. Sometime in your life it may be helpful.
    4. Jason learned that troubles is what you experience before you get to what you are working for. Yes I agree that troubles bring valuable lessons.
    5. Jason learned that you need to have friends and family to keep you up. Without them Jason may have not been able to do what he did. Yes I did. That you need them no matter what you are enduring.
    6. The film said that money was not everything. If you did not have money you would still be able to live. You don’t have to have millions have dollars to have a good life. Happiness will still be there.

  6. Jake permalink

    1. Why do you think the film was called The Ultimate Gift? What was the gift? Can you think of greater gifts? How much of this gift have you received?

    Because Jason finally realized what you need to do to get what you want. The gift ended up being money. And no. And no.

    2. Who, in your life passed on lessons to you? What were they? Which lesson meant the most to you?
    My brothers have passed lesson to me like never come home late without calling your parents to tell them you are going to be late.

    3. Have you ever resisted learning a lesson like Jason did in the film? When did you accept the wisdom of the lesson? Or did you?

    Yes, yes i have. After the hard work paid off.

    4. In the film, Red considers “trouble” or hardship a lesson. What did Jason learn from his troubles? Do you agree that experiencing troubles can bring valuable lessons?

    That you have to work to get what you want. Yes, yes i do agree.

    5. A main theme of the film is mending relationships. What did Jason learn about family? Friends? Did you learn anything from the film that could help you with relationships?

    They are all more important than anything. And just treat them better.

  7. Kara permalink

    6. Money isn’t everything and you shouldn’t rely on it. I don’t think money can by happiness because you are not always happy when you have money.

    7. Gift of love- You should show your love to everyone.
    Gift of the day- Cherish everyday and don’t end they day on a bad note.
    Gift of money-use your money wisely and don’t waste it.
    Gift of laughter-Show everyone your laughter and that you care about them.
    Gift of family-Cherish your family and always e happy around them.
    Gift of dreams- Dream as high as you can and work hard to achieve them.
    Gift of giving- Give back to others that have helped you.
    Gift of friends- Cherish your friends because someday they may be gone.
    I think the gift of love meant the most to me.
    1. The ultimate gift is love. I have recieved a lot of love in my life.
    4. Jason discovered that hardship made you realize what things in life are really important.
    5.He found out who his rela friends were and he stuck with them. His family didn’t really support him.

  8. Breann permalink

    1. All of these gifts led up to the ultimate gift. The actual ultimate gift is probably the best gift anyone could ask for. I think that would be really awesome to have. Along with a lot of life lessons.
    2. My Grandma Zimmer. She taught me to use time wisely and to live on even though a loved one just stepped out of your life.
    3. Yes. I found out who my true friends were when my mom and dad got divorced, and there definitely weren’t many that I could just sit down and talk with.
    4. When he lost everything and had to sleep on the park bench, he met Emily. They were really good friends until she died. He learned who his actual friends were.
    5. His grandpa actually really really loved him even though he didn’t act like he did.
    6. They said that you can have fake friends when you have a lot of money.
    7. The Gift of work
    The Gift of Money
    The Gift of Friends
    The Gift of learning
    The Gift of Problems
    The Gift of Family
    The Gift of Laughter
    The Gift of Dreams
    The Gift of Giving
    The Gift of Gratitude
    The Gift of a day
    The Gift of Love
    8. Probably Mrs. Maupin because I can go to her about anything and everything. I think that I have been a good techer to all of the little girls that come to my house and I know that they always look up to teenage girls like me.
    9. Having a horrible girlfriend that only liked him because he had a lot of money.
    10. I always want to be myself and no one else. I could never live if I was acting like someone else.

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